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Apex Legends is Getting Bad Reviews on Steam

A few weeks ago, Apex Legends players began pleading with Respawn Entertainment to enforce an “Operation Health” season, something which happened in Rainbow Six Siege. Players were asking Respawn to effectively skip a season’s worth of content, such as new guns and characters, to instead focus working on bug fixes, server issues, and so on.

One Apex Legends dev responded to these "Operation Health" calls, stating that it’s not in line with how game development works—in short. This dev referred to it as a good marketing campaign, but that developers aren't just villagers in a management sim game that can be moved from one aspect of the game to another. Still frustrated, however, players are now targeting the game’s steam reviews.

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Apex Legends still sits at a ‘Very Positive’ rating overall on Steam, out of a total of 321K reviews, but the recent reviews have dipped and are now ‘Mixed.’ This is because, out of the most recent 21K reviews, 69% of them are positive in comparison to 87% of overall reviews. This roughly translates to 6500 of the most recent reviews being negative.

Some of the negative comments are still leaving positive reviews of Apex Legends, perhaps as a way to say how much they love the game, but practically every recent negative review mentions a variety of technical issues. Across a plethora of reviews, everything from bad servers, bugs, loading screen freezes, cheaters, footstep audio, a lack of net code improvements, no real transparency or plan for improvement, an insistence that Respawn prioritizes the story over the game, some general hate at EA, and more all mentioned in these reviews.

Respawn Entertainment nor EA have responded to these reviews, though it’s uncertain when and if they will. Many reviews were left as recently as October 10, the day of this writing, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Meanwhile, it should be noted that Apex Legends season 10 is officially winding down and season 11 is right around the corner.

Apex Legends’ Monster Within event will begin soon, introducing new cosmetics, adding new Arenas maps, bringing back Shadow Royale, and more all between October 12 and November 2. Apex Legends Season 11 will start in early November, and marketing for it will likely only increase over the next couple of weeks.

Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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Source: Dexerto

Apex Legends is Getting Bad Reviews on Steam
Source: Pinay Diaries PH

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