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Genshin Impact: Sayu Hangout Guide

Sayu is the first Anemo character in Genshin Impact that wields the claymore. The Shuumatsuban Ninja also marks an end to Sucrose being the only 4-star Anemo character. Sayu was released back in version 2.0, along with Ayaka and Yoimiya. However, she plays a small part in the story, which is disappointing for Sayu fans.

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Luckily, in Genshin Impact 2.2, Sayu receives a Hangout event on her own. This time, players can spend time specifically with the little Ninja. Travelers will be involved in Sayu's daily shenanigans as she attempts to escape responsibilities and sleep her day off.

Reward From Sayu's Hangout

The Hangout event rewards players with a total of 90 Primogems. In addition, here's the full list of the Hangout reward:

  • 90 Primogems
  • 600 Adventure Experience
  • 15 Hero's Wits
  • 6 Guide to Light
  • 6 Vayuda Turquoise Fragments
  • 10 Sayu’s special dish

Sayu Hangout Guide In Genshin Impact

The Hangout Event starts with Sayu being sneaky. The Traveler suspects she’s up to something so they follow her. Sayu ends up hiding, but unfortunately, her tail gave her away.

Sayu explains how the Shrine Maiden is strict and she’s trying to run away from her tasks and training to sleep. Eventually, she got a quest to assassinate the Traveler. When meeting Kano Nana, the Shrine Maiden, players will reach a certain point to make two choices:

  • Thank you, that would certainly help
  • While you are making inquiries. I shall continue investigating on my own, just to be safe.

Choosing the first leads to four endings, while choosing the second leads to two endings.

Ending 1-4

Once players choose the first option, the Shrine Maiden will catch Sayu hiding. And again, her tail gave her away.

Traveler will then meet Sayu in the Chinju Forest, where they both will have some alone time. During that conversation, two choices will unlock four endings:

  • Growing taller is what you really care about, isn’t it?
  • I can see that you’re tired, but it’s not good to neglect your work either.

Choosing the first will lead to three endings while choosing the second path will lead to one ending.

Ending 1-3

As Sayu explains why she really cares about her height and discusses ways to get taller faster. Traveler suggests two options on Sayu:

  • Sleep alone isn’t enough to make you grow taller.
  • It’s not the amount of sleep but the quality of sleep that’s keeping you from growing.

Choosing the first suggestion leads to taking Sayu to eat so she can grow faster. This will unlock the first and second endings.

Ending 1 And 2

When the Traveler takes Sayu to eat, she will eat until she’s full and she will get upset about it. Then two choices that may change the directions appear:

  • Do you still wish to continue?
  • Eating like this might have a negative effect on your health. Maybe we should consider some other options.

Ending 1: Everything in Moderation

Choosing Do you still wish to continue? causes Sayu to agree to switch the restaurant. However, it also leads her to get caught, unlocking the first ending.

Ending 2: Like Soaring Through the Skies

If players choose Eating like this might have a negative effect on your health, the Traveler and Sayu will go on a commission. In the end, the Traveler takes her to a mountain to look over things from a higher perspective, unlocking the second ending.

Ending 3: Definitely no Work Today

Back in the forest, choosing It’s not the amount of sleep but the quality of sleep that’s keeping you from growing leads the Traveler to find places so Sayu can sleep peacefully to increase the quality of her sleep. This option unlocks the third ending.

Ending 4: With The Trees

When choosing I can see that you’re tired, but it’s not good to neglect your work either. Sayu will convince the Traveler to train with her and help her complete her tasks. Note that this ending has a secret Achievement “Mujina Class Ninja.” Players get the achievement when they score higher than Sayu in her training.

Ending 5 and 6

When talking to the Shrine Maiden back in Inazuma city, choose the second answer, While you are making inquiries. I shall continue investigating on my own, just to be safe. This will cause the maiden to leave without catching Sayu.

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The Traveler and Sayu then start to investigate who wants to assassinate the Traveler and who is responsible for Sayu’s commission. The investigation takes them to Ogawa, who later reveals he was forced to do such a thing because his girl is taken hostage by a Kairagi organization. If players let Ogawa explain himself, they will get the fifth ending. But if they don’t, the sixth and last ending will occur.

Ending 5: The Best Rest

After choosing Tell us the truth, no more lies, Ogawa will explain that his daughter is kidnapped and they will all try to save her.

Ending 6: Little Sayu’s Troubles

When choosing Save it for the Yashiro Commission, Sayu and the Traveler will meet with Ayaka. Sayu then will confront Ayaka and both will engage in an interesting conversation.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

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Genshin Impact: Sayu Hangout Guide
Source: Pinay Diaries PH

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