Since its inception, Ghost Recon has been a military shooter franchise focused on tactical situations and adaptation in the heat of battle. It seems that Ubisoft now seeks to take that franchise formula and expand it. Ubisoft has officially announced the next iteration of the franchise: Ghost Recon Frontline, a free-to-play massive PVP Shooter.
It’s readily apparent that this is a brand new take on the franchise, as it is the first Ghost Recon game to have such a massive PvP experience and cross-platform support. Despite these obvious distinctions, Ubisoft bills it as “still a Ghost Recon game” due to its focus on teamwork, strategy, and authenticity, requiring players to consider each engagement and how to approach it. To do so, players will build a roster of elite contractors and take to the field as these classes (though they can be swapped at any time.)
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Players will need to upgrade and customize each Ghost Recon character, choosing different skill paths and working together to fill tactical gaps in the squad when they drop into a game. Ghost Recon Frontline is set on the diverse Drakemoor Island, where players will have to fight others in a variety of environments with a plethora of goals in mind. There are multiple ways to win each match, and in fact, Ubisoft promises that “no match will play the same.”
Ghost Recon Frontline offers various game modes tailored to a variety of preferred gameplay experiences, but the flagship mode is called Expedition, which is described as a new take on the popular royale genre. It’ll feature 100+ players in three-man squads, and the goal is to complete “dynamic” objectives across the map—with no converging battle royale-like closing circle—and ultimately call for extraction.
Although Expedition does not feature a converging battle royale circle, the game mode will require players to engage with others across the map with new, specific goals in mind. A complete comparison is not available as of what's known yet, but it may draw in BR fans nonetheless. What is made clear, however, is that Ghost Recon Frontline is designed to be an evolving game world, much like Apex Legends, Fortnite, and Call of Duty: Warzone.
Ghost Recon Frontline will feature in-game seasons, as well as seasonal content and updates, with additional features like game modes, characters, tools, maps, and more coming in every season. For now, fans will likely need to wait for more Ghost Recon Frontline news to roll out, but as Ubisoft wants the community involved as much as possible, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be a long wait before players face off on Drakemoor Island in some regard.
Ghost Recon Frontline is in development for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
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