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Metroid Dread: How to Get Missile+ Tank in Dairon (Speed Boost Blocks)

While many of the collectibles in Metroid Dread are quite simple to obtain, that is not the case with absolutely all of them. As an example, there is a Missile+ Tank in Dairon that is blocked by a set of Speed Boost blocks, and indeed accessing it can prove to be quite difficult. For those players that may currently be struggling to reach this Dairon Missile+ Tank in Metroid Dread, this guide details two different methods to try.

Metroid Dread: Dairon Missile+ Tank Method #1

One way to go about obtaining this Missile+ Tank uses the lower path. More specifically, players should drop down below the collectible of interest, pass by the red Recharge Station, and enter the EMMI door at the bottom-left corner of the room. Once inside of this EMMI room in Metroid Dread, players should make their way to the top-left corner, position Samus directly in front of the exit, and prepare to start running.

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With respect to how that run is to be performed, it is all about maintaining a Speed Boost from this starting position to the Missile+ Tank. This method can be seen demonstrated in the video that is below, and here are a few tips that may help Metroid Dread players execute it:

  • When performing the wall jump in the room with the red Recharge Station, continue to hold the joystick to the right until B has been pressed. Only change the direction of the joystick after the jump has been executed.
  • After the first wall jump in the room with the Missile+ Tank, release the joystick for the next two jumps. Simply tap B at the walls without any directional input.
  • Resume using the joystick once the platform below the Missile+ Tank is reached, and follow the same advice offered for the very first wall jump in the sequence for the final one.

Metroid Dread: Dairon Missile+ Tank Method #2

The other approach centers around using the top path and a Shinespark, and players should begin at the right side of the upper EMMI room. Again, the following video showcases the method in full, and here are some tips on how to pull it off:

  • When falling off the ledge after entering the room with the Missile+ Tank, use ZL to activate Metroid Dread’s Morph Ball ability before hitting the Bomb blocks.
  • After setting the Bomb, move away to avoid getting unnecessarily bounced.
  • To perform a midair Shinespark in Metroid Dread, simply press Y and B at the exact same time.

Metroid Dread is available now for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Metroid Dread is the Hardest Game in the Series, and That's Great

Metroid Dread: How to Get Missile+ Tank in Dairon (Speed Boost Blocks)
Source: Pinay Diaries PH

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