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Mom Draws Ire For Threatening to Burn Pokemon Cards to Punish Child

Over the last few days, one mother learned firsthand the kind of impact Pokemon cards can have on certain segments of the population. Liz Mair also learned that while she might feel as though she'd mastered how to speak in front of the cameras, the former RNC communications director likely didn't realize the kind of backlash that can come from the Pokemon fanbase when she announced how she uses Pokemon cards to discipline her child.

Liz Mair took to Twitter earlier this week commenting about how boring and staid the social media platform had been lately. She then added a bit of a charge to the website, perhaps unintentionally, when she explained that she's started burning her son's cards - especially considering how valuable and rare Pokemon cards can be - as a form of extreme discipline, noting she's tried several other approaches.

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Mair explained that she's resorted to burning the Pokemon cards when her son doesn't do what she called the "basic stuff" he's supposed to be doing. She went on to explain those basic tasks were usually tied to eating, or eating as much as she would have liked. It turns out that according to the communications expert if her son comes home from school and his lunch has gone uneaten, she burns a card. Not eating enough at dinner earns the same treatment.

Mair tried to explain away what struck many on social media as an extreme reaction, that her son is 4'6" tall and the seven-year-old weighs just 46 pounds. She added that because of his height and weight, he's someone who needs to add on the pounds. That particular explanation didn't seem to hold much water with commenters on Twitter who seemed a bit outraged over the proclamation.

Some of the people weighing in on the situation are well known in the celebrity world. That included Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles producer and actor Seth Rogen, who tweeted out that Mair should make sure not to burn the more valuable Pokemon cards. He added that Mair's kid might need those cards to sell in the future in order to pay for therapy. Writer and director Jesse Hawken took a different tact while appearing to make it clear he didn't approve of Mair's comments either. Hawken tweeted out his belief that she would eventually pivot to claims that she was kidding and had never actually burned her son's Pokemon cards as punishment.

Later in the day, Mair did tweet a response that some are taking as a hint that she was never serious about burning the cards as a punishment. Perhaps because someone pointed out scalping the Pokemon tickets might be a more lucrative approach. The question still exists as to whether she was serious about her claims or, as some of her critics claimed, she was just trying to get some clout.

MORE: Pokemon Trading Card Game's 25th Anniversary Set Features Classic Reprints, Full Art Cards

Mom Draws Ire For Threatening to Burn Pokemon Cards to Punish Child
Source: Pinay Diaries PH

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