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Overwatch Fan Discovers Neat Trick When Using Moira’s Halloween Terror Emote

While all Overwatch fans have a favorite seasonal event, one of the most popular overall seems to be Halloween Terror. As such, Overwatch fans were excited to see the event return a few days ago, though it seems like one of its cosmetics provides a hidden benefit if it is used in a very specific situation.

Obviously, most of the attention is on Overwatch’s new Halloween Terror cosmetics, and for good reason. An It-inspired Clown skin for Roadhog stands out clearly, as does Reinhardt’s Draugr outfit and a Vampire Hunter design for Brigitte that makes her look a bit like The Witcher 3’s Ciri. Outside of the skins, three fresh emotes have been added. Baptiste performs a zombie walk straight out of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” while Sigma lifts a group of Pumpkins into the air. However, it is Moira’s special emote that will surely be the biggest hit with the game’s community.

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Moira’s new emote, dubbed “Boo” by Blizzard, sees her walking toward the camera and away from her team. She then dashes through a portal and appears for a jump scare, terrifying her teammates before or during a match. When paired with the Banshee Moira skin, the Support hero can become even more spooky. However, it seems like “Boo” can serve another purpose as well. As shown by Redditor DemonicXanimal, the emote can be used to super jump.

Super jumps allow Overwatch heroes to get to heights they are not able to reach with their normal abilities, and there are several different glitches that can be done to make them happen. As shown in this Redditor’s clip, Moira performing the new emote while standing on of one of the training bots can take her to the top of the shooting range. Caused due to the teleportation done during the emote, the movement sees Moira bouncing on the head of the unlucky bot and flying into the sky.

Unlike McCree’s hidden emote ability, this one was likely not intentional on the part of Blizzard. Based on how Moira walks off the training bot and then teleports back on, it seems clear that this is a minor glitch. However, it is unlikely that it will be patched out of the game. While it is possible that Moira might be able to pull this same trick off with another live player, it would likely only work with certain heroes. It would also be tough to do mid-fight, and there is not much that Moira can do from vantage points anyway.

Still, even if this Overwatch trick will not be leading to any team kills or sneaky victories, it is fun to see. For players messing around in the practice range between matches, super jumping with Moira’s new emote could be a good way to kill a bit of time.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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Overwatch Fan Discovers Neat Trick When Using Moira’s Halloween Terror Emote
Source: Pinay Diaries PH

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