The Du or Die operation in Far Cry 6 sends players to Fort Quito, and they will encounter a couple of challenges while they are there. The first of those challenges is infiltrating Fort Quito’s armory and steal some depleted uranium, and the second is bypassing a locked door in order to access a Yaran Contraband chest. For those Far Cry 6 players that may find themselves stuck on either of these endeavors, this guide is here to provide assistance.
Players that are trying to steal the depleted uranium for Du or Die should turn their attention to obtaining the Armory Key Card, and there are two ways that can be done. Fans that have a proclivity for violence are advised to pursue the first option, which is to simply eliminate Captain Gabriel Alvarez in Fort Quito and loot the key from his corpse. Notably, this enemy in Far Cry 6 is marked with a yellow insignia, which sets him apart from the other NPCs in the area.
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Alternatively, players can take a stealthier approach and snatch the Armory Key Card off of a particular table. To reach that table, players should climb the stairs that are across from the armory door and enter the structure at the top. Far Cry 6 fans should then head into the room on their right, dispatch the single enemy that is inside, and look near the table lamp that will be on their left.
After grabbing the depleted uranium from the armory, players should descend into the nearby hatch and look toward the chainlink cage that is at the bottom. There is a Yaran Contraband chest inside of that cage, though a locked gate will initially prevent fans from reaching it. To bypass this gate, players should simply go around to the right side of the cage and use their weapons in Far Cry 6 to hit the wood boards that are leaned against it.
To note, while it is not requisite that players visit the Yaran Contraband chest, it is worth taking the time to do so. Indeed, there is a fairly strong pistol inside of that container, and it only takes a few moments to access. More specifically, Far Cry 6’s Autocrat pistol is in the Fort Quito Yaran Contraband chest, and it will be a nice addition to any player’s arsenal.
Far Cry 6 is available now on Luna, PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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