Marvel’s Avengers has had quite a difficult journey since its launch back in August of 2020. Initially met with mixed to poor reviews from both critics and fans, Marvel’s Avengers has been trying to keep what little of the player base it had, around. After the newly added microtransactions, it looks as though Marvel’s Avengers is going to hit another low.
Microtransactions have been prevalent in Marvel’s Avengers since its launch as fans of the heroes were able to buy different cosmetics such as cool-looking skins, emotes, and nameplates. The price of these items received mixed receptions from fans, but the saving grace here was the fact that these items were purely cosmetics and not pay-to-win. With a new update to the marketplace though, Marvel’s Avengers is now introducing non-cosmetic microtransactions.
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Marvel’s Avengers is now selling XP boosts for players to purchase with real-world currency although claiming the microtransactions would be purely cosmetic. On top of that, back in March, Marvel's Avengers revamped its XP gains, essentially nerfing it, increasing the amount of XP needed for players to level up. And of course, fans are reasonably quite angry at the developers, Crystal Dynamic and Eidos Montreal. The reasoning for the XP nerfs back in March confused many players as the game was already quite grindy and repetitive. Making it harder to level up seemed to have been the opposite of what players wanted.
With the recent growth in Marvel’s Avengers thanks to Game Pass, it’s pretty clear why the developers decided to go down the XP microtransaction route. New players were able to momentarily enjoy the 4x XP gains, but with that now over, Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal were left wondering how to keep the new player base.
That being said, appealing to the new player base could have certainly been done while honoring the previous promises of not having microtranscations. Because of Marvel’s Avengers’ XP nerf back in March, the microtransactions now seem quite contradictive to the claims that were being made earlier this year. If the developers felt as though players might want to progress faster in Marvel’s Avengers, why not revert the XP decisions made back in March? No matter how it’s looked at, the only reason that’s left is money.
While some fans were certainly angry about the XP boost microtransactions, that anger won’t reach the entire player base. Many titles such as Assassin’s CreednValhalla and Red Dead Online have had many microtransactions, and while a point of controversy at times, many fans learn to live with this by simply avoiding it altogether. In Marvel’s Avengers, the microtransactions are also technically not pay-to-win as the game is entirely PVE. Still, it’ll be interesting to see how the player base will perceive these changes and whether or not they stick around.
Marvel's Avengers is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
MORE: Xbox Game Pass Could Be the Best Thing to Happen to Marvel's Avengers
Source: Dexerto