Minecraft may have had humble beginnings, but since coming out of beta ten years ago, it's become one of the biggest IPs in gaming history, second only to the likes of Tetris. Last year, the Mojang sandbox game surpassed 200 million in sales, and it doesn't appear to be showing any signs of slowing down. It's a game that is available on just about every platform, and now a new announcement says the PC version of the game will be coming to Xbox Game Pass next month.
In a post on the official Minecraft website, after the live event went ahead yesterday, the game will indeed be coming to the Microsoft subscription service. For those wondering which version it will be that's coming to Game Pass, Java or Bedrock edition, it will be both, according to the post. This means players will get the best of both worlds. The Java version was the original build and is better for modding, but the Bedrock edition is better for cross-play. However, it doesn't appear that cross-play between Java and Bedrock will be possible at this stage.
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There is already a console version of Minecraft through Game Pass, so this latest update will simply bring it to the PC port, which is supposed to be available on November 2, so there's just over two weeks to wait. Although millions of people already own the game, having the game on PC through a subscription service is likely to entice those who have yet to get hold of a copy. Game Pass is generally considered to be a service that's worth the monthly cost, so having one of the world's most successful games on its books can only be a good thing.
The announcement was made at Minecraft Live which went ahead on October 16. The annual event gives the community some insight into what's coming next in future updates, and allows people to vote on new mobs that will get added to the game. This year, fans had a choice between three mobs: the glare, copper golem, and the allay, with the allay winning out.
Minecraft will also be getting another update called "The Wild" and will feature new biomes, as well as new mobs, which could be the allay, but will also be adding in things left out of part one of the Caves & Cliffs patch. All-in-all, it sounds like there's a lot that's still going into the game. The studio is seemingly keen to keep things fresh by adding new content, and making the game as available as possible on multiple platforms and services. Hardly surprising, given its popularity.
Minecraft is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, Xbox One, and legacy platforms.
MORE: Minecraft: The Wild Update's New Swamp Mobs Have a Lot of Potential