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Roblox Wacky Wizards: How to Get Undead Skull Ingredient

Now, ghosts have arrived in Roblox's Wacky Wizards just in time for Halloween. Not only has this update brought along a total visual overhaul of the map's aesthetics, with a brand new graveyard area, an exclusive rare ingredient that is up for grabs that can create powerful, game-changing potions.

Wacky Wizards is a popular action-adventure Roblox game about magical potions and the ingredients that go into them. To get the components that make up a mighty potion, players search the environment or complete objectives to gain them as rewards. Remarkably, once a potion is created, each possesses its very own unique set of effects and abilities.

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Where to Find the Skull Ingredient in Wacky Wizards

Upon launching the Roblox horror Halloween update of Wacky Wizards, players will soon notice the introduction of an expansive, haunted graveyard. Those who explore the area will further realize that there are a collection of several gravestones huddled in the center, surrounded by jack-o'-lanterns and undead zombies. This is where Wizards have to go if they want to start the first step of obtaining the highly sought-after item.

How to Get the Skull Ingredient in Wacky Wizards

Since Wacky Wizards is a popular Roblox fighter experience, players will need to take down as many zombies as they can to have a shot of collecting their premium skull ingredient. Therefore, users will first need to equip themselves with a damage-based weapon, and not a cosmetic nor healing potion. For the uninitiated, this means something like the gun potion, boxing glove potion, or lightsaber will do the trick.

A good rule of thumb for identifying what items can or cannot dispense destruction is that if they are available in a Roblox PVP mode, they can successfully overcome this challenge. Here are a couple of the more powerful weapons Wacky Wizards has to offer and how to craft them. Crafting is done by approaching a cauldron and releasing the two listed items together inside.

  • The Flamethrower potion - Combine the Gun and Chilli
  • The Sabre potion - Combine the Superhero Cape and Boxing Gloves
  • The Pig Launcher potion - Combine the Gun and Pet Tags

Don't be discouraged if the item doesn't drop even after a long time of playing because, unfortunately, getting the undead skull ingredient is much easier said than done as the chances of the ghouls dropping the item are set to random. This means they often spawn candy instead. Although, this is not as bad as it sounds, as candies can be used to purchase the incredible Wacky Wizards pumpkin ingredients.

What the Skull Ingredient does in Wacky Wizards

Once the undead skull ingredient drops after a while of slaying, quickly snag it up and bring it back to the cauldron. This will add it permanently to the ingredient table. Providentially, the skull is more than just an ugly face, as it can create many strange yet extraordinary potions in Roblox:

  • RIP potion - Combine the Undead Skull and Rotten Sandwich
  • Skeleton arms potion - Combine the Undead Skull and Fairy
  • Frankenstein potion - Combine the Undead Skull and You
  • Giant-cyclops potion - Combine the Undead Skull and Giant’s Ear
  • Bone-gloves potion - Combine the Undead Skull and Boxing Gloves
  • Skull potion - Combine the Undead Skull and Brain
  • Zombie-fish potion - Combine the Undead Skull and Fish
  • Mr-explosion potion - Combine the Undead and Dynamite
  • Skeleton wings potion - Combine the Undead Skull and Bird
  • Skull-legs potion - Combine the Undead Skull and Giraffe Hoof
  • Demon-girl potion - Combine the Undead Skull and Spider
  • Bone-bow potion - Combine the Undead Skull and Gun
  • Fire-spine potion - Combine the Undead Skull and Chilli
  • Zom-bee potion - Combine the Undead Skull and Honey

As briefly mentioned earlier, there is also the boxing glove, which is an amazingly effective weapon when dismantling waves of undead forces. However, players will need to create the Wacky Wizard's DNA potion as it's the first step in claiming the coveted gloves.

Roblox is available now on Android, iOS, Mac, PC, and Xbox One.

MORE: Roblox: 10 Best Potions In Wacky Wizards (And How To Make Them)

Roblox Wacky Wizards: How to Get Undead Skull Ingredient
Source: Pinay Diaries PH

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